A catch up and some lovely Parkin

So, I was rather overwhelmed by the number of visits my post on Yarndale received!! Thanks for stopping by. I’ve been a bit quiet since, I know, truth is I’ve been sulking! I currently have a very sore hand/finger and am UNABLE TO CROCHET!!! sob 😦 As you can imagine this has left me feeling rather bereft.  However I have seen the doctor and she is confident that an anti-inflammatory will sort me out, at least short term, so I’ll be back on the hook very soon I hope! 🙂

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In home news, it is very nearly the end of the first half term back at school, we finish on Thursday next week. It has felt rather Autumnal round here lately and so the fire has been lit! This last few weeks have seen a lot of changes round here. MY eldest has started in Year 10 (4th yr to us oldies!) which means the start of the GCSE course she will do over the next 2 years ending with exams in June 2015.  Lots of changes going on there which means much more focus on exams and a complete move away from coursework and modular testing.  My 2 boys are still enjoying their time at primary, year 2 & 5, they recently went on a whole school trip to a local landmark, Hoghton Tower, a lovely place to visit and it has a great farmers market each month.  Which just leaves little Miss, she has started pre school 3 days a week and is loving it! Thoroughly ready to learn, she is more than exceeding our expectations! More importantly she is happy there and has made some lovely little friends already.

I’ve just come back to this to add in the pictures and found this one,

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Lovely Parkin

so I thought I’d share my recipe, well its Delia’s really but I’m sure she wont mind! I love Parkin, I remember making it, using this very recipe, with my auntie when I was little.

Oatmeal Parkin

4oz/110g Golden Syrup

1oz/25g Treacle

3oz/75g Marg

6oz/175g Medium Oatmeal

3oz/75g Self Raising Flour

1.5 teaspoons Ground Ginger

a pinch of salt

1 small egg

1 desertspoon/10ml milk

Preheat oven to 140′ gas mark 1

This makes enough for a 6″ square tin, which is enough for nobody so I usually make a double batch in a bigger tin! the one above was made in a 7×8.5″ silicone ‘tin’.

Put a small pan on your scales and weigh the syrup, treacle, marg and sugar into it. Place on a gentle heat and mix until the marg has melted. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl, slowly mix the warm mixture into the dry, until thoroughly combined. Next add the egg.and the milk. pour into the tin and bake for 1 1/2 hours until the centre is springy to the touch, remove from the oven and cool in the tin for half an hour before turning out. Don’t worry if it sinks a little in the middle! This cake tastes better the longer it is kept so keep in an air tight container and it will be even better after a week, or 2 if you can make it last that long!!


Finally, check out what my eldest made as a prototype for her Art GCSE work!!

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Pink Elephants on parade

How fab is that!! Her chosen topic is Elephants so she has to draw/make/construct them in different ways. This is her crochet version.  Cool hey! I’ll find out where she got the pattern and edit it in later in case any of you need one!!




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